Sunday, July 17, 2011

Twitter reflections and lighthouses

Twitter Opinions Revised?
While I had been a bit worried about how the class would react to twitter based on their reading posts, it seems like the talk by guest speaker A might have put into perspective what it can be good for after all. I have been using twitter for fun for a few years now and have found it a great resource mainly because interesting information tends to come to you instead of you always having to seek it all actively on your own. Mind you, it is not always the information is exactly what you need or want right at that, but sometimes it still useful or file away-able until it can be used.

Being Overwhelmed
Even though I have used twitter for a while, I have never used a twitter client. I knew the existed, but sometime you just want to learn the one thing before you dive in to something more complicated. So even though I was comfortable with twitter, I am really not comfortable with either of the client sites we checked out - HootSuite or TweetDeck. While I can see the appeal of having access to multiple twitter accounts at once or being able to see what is happening with a trend or group compared to your regular feed or feed of certain friends, it really was an overwhelming experience in class. In part the interface was a bit overwhelming and confusing to figure out, especially while trying to listen in class. Maybe because I have a system already set up in twitter for dealing with this, but I am not sold yet. I plan on spending a few hours with it this week, but I am not sure my opinion will change much.

Listing vs Following
One thing we didn't cover in class was the making of lists. Lists are a way of organizing groups of people. One of the benefits of lists if it is a way of following someone without having to actually follow them - I like this because I can have lists organized around important things, like vacation destinations, which may be of interest some of the time, but is not something I want to be showing up in my feed all the time. I tend to make lists of people instead of following them, only because it lets me to focus on it when I want to, but not having it cluttering up my stuff all the time.

Product Review Project
So at the end of class, we all got a playing card, and that determined which product we got to review for our product review assignment and who our partner(s) are. I will be working with Mindy and we will be working on reviewing Toon Boom Studio (, an intro animation software to allow students to create interesting presentations and keep them engaged in class. I am really looking forward to working with it this week and (hopefully) getting to use it in the classroom. I am lover of tech and am always looking for interesting ways to incorporate it into the classroom, so I am hoping this is something that I can use at a later date.

Technology is not always a computer
I am up north this weekend and went on a tour of a lighthouse on Charity Island and they were talking about the Dalen Light, which revolutionize the way that lighthouses worked by creating an automatic valve for releasing acetylene gas at night to light the lighthouse. (the inventor, Nils Gustaf Dalen, won the Nobel prize for this invention in 1912). I think sometime we may forget that technology doesn't have to be computers or online, sometimes it is something very physical and in front of you that can make life work better. Goodness knows I forget about that sometimes, and I am glad the world reminds me, mostly in unexpected ways in unexpected places.


  1. I was definitely one of the Twitter skeptics before coming to class, but I tried to keep an open mind - and I'm glad I did! I think it's interesting that you aren't sold on HootSuite yet, having already been a Twitter user for so long. I guess that's an advantage that those of us new to Twitter had; we weren't used to anything so HootSuite seemed great right from the start. (Ok, I guess I can't speak for all new Twitter users, but that is how it seems to me.)

  2. So, I got a Tweet from teacherJ in my email box on my phone. I didn't answer it, not being savvy enough to know what I'm doing. Do you think that was an insult for not answering a direct Tweet? Also, I received a message that some random guy is following me on Twitter. I don't understand that at all. Why would he be following me?!? I think it is strange. Anyway, just some reflective thoughts about Twitter in general after reading your blog.

  3. Superb post. Good point about lists. I don't use them, but I probably should. You got a fun product to review - we're looking forward to hearing about it!

    @Amanda - you can block anybody who creeps you out on Twitter. And yes, random people (good and bad) will follow you. You're in control, though. Holler if I can help.

  4. I too was a bit overwhelmed with the Twitter technology, but I had a slightly different experience - I felt frustrated with Twitter at first because it was so disorganized to follow people. Why would I want information about news, friends, etc. all in one place? The one stream didn't make sense to me. HootSuite made it feel more organized to me - I could put things in what I thought were logical streams instead of having everything coming at me at once. But to each her own!

    Thanks for talking about lists - I understand what they're for a lot better after reading your post.

    On technology: I had a discussion in an education course once on technology, and we kept going around and around defining what counted as tech. We thought a shovel should count - it made a process faster! Pinning down a meaning is difficult. I tend to think of technology as things with wires (or things that in previous iterations had wireless keyboards!) but it's not a strict definition.
